What is Healthy Lifestyle Society?

Healthy Lifestyle Society of the Philippines (HLSP), an advocacy group with the aim to promote the 5 components of Healthy Lifestyle (HL) namely regular exercise, smoking cessation, balanced diet, stress management and weight management. With the theme "Save Lives, Our Lives!", the activities prepared by the organizers and members themselves seek to reduce the prevalence of major risk factors specifically smoking, physical inactivity, stress and unhealthy diet. For half a day, people can get signed up and join a program designed for the betterment of everyone's body. Built on the philosophy that the absence of ailments is what leads to a progressive mind which in turn aids in the nurturing of one's spirit.

Objectives of the Healthy Lifestyle Society

To empower every barangay, private organization to form a community that aims to reduce prevalence of major risk factors of non-communicable diseases and to promote good nutrition through healthy lifestyle activities.

To provide an environment where barangay captains, organizational leaders can present, share their health programs and have their communities be recognized as supporter of the healthy livestyle advocacy.

This is open to all ages, male or female, retired or not yet retired who believe that Healthy Lifestyle is the key for Saving Lives, Our Lives!

How to Join the Healthy Lifestyle Society

1. Regular Healthy Lifestyle activities will be conducted every 4th Saturday of the month 6:00 am to 9:30 am at Salinas Office #33 Scout Rallos St., Quezon City or a venue of choice.
2. One week before the event, those interested to can register by emailing or when given proper arrangements, in the barangay hall, secretariat or human resources of organization and automatically become a member of HLSP.
3. Apart from being a member, one can also choose to be involved in a committee.
4. In every HL session, every committee is expected to present a program or an interactive activity reflecting the committees objectives they are part of.


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