Ways & Means Committee


A. Promote greater public awareness on the importance of having at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise on most (and preferably) all days of the week.
B. To encourage every participants to have regular exercise as it can:

1. improve your mood
2. combat chronic diseases
3. help you manage your weight
4. strengthen your heart and lungs
5. promote better sleep
6. can put the spark back into your sex life
7. can be fun


A. Think of programs on having regular physical activity that encourages participation and interaction of members. - strategies may include conduct Nigari waza Exercise and other twists to it, incorporate other exercises for more enjoyment of members,
B. Think of strategies to attract participants to the committee and make them appreciate the importance of having regular physical activity.
C. Head ways and means committee and will;

1. prepare IEC materials on the importance of regular exercise.
2. prepare venue and materials need in the venue.
3. coordination and preparation of the materials needed by all committees and ensuring the cleanliness of the venue.

Program Committee


A. think of a persuasive manner in advising smoking cessation,
B. for heavy smokers, encourage them to undergo pharmacotherapy thru referrals to special programs,
C. promote avoidance from second-hand smoke.


A. think of programs/ activities on no smoking campaign that encourage participation and cooperation of members

1. strategies can include conducting lectures about the detrimental effects of smoking, invite resource speakers who will give testimonies about undergoing pharmacotherapy

B. devise strategies to attract participants to join the committee and make them appreciate the importance of not smoking,
C. head the program committee and will;

1. prepare IEC materials promoting no smoking campaign
2. coordinate activities to each committee for the program preparation
3. organize and prepare all the activities in every HL event.
4. host/emcee every HL activity,
5. prepare program materials (IEC, invitation) for every HL activity.

Food Committee


A. advocate consumption of food based on the Filipino food pyramid
B. promote modification of food choices to reduce calories and cholesterol by eating variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, low fat or nonfat diary products, fish, legumes, poultry and lean meat.


A. Think of programs/ activities on eating balance diet that encourage participation and interaction of members.
Strategies can include serving healthy food like Arroz Caldo and the state reason why it is considered good breakfast and conduct cooking demo on their preparation.

B. devise strategies to attract participants to join the Balance Diet committee and make them appreciate the importance of having good diet.
C. Head food committee and will;

1. prepare IEC materials promoting the importance of balance diet
2. prepare the menu for every HL activity
3. buy the ingredients and prepare the food during every HL activity
4. serve the food to members during the HL activity.

External Committee


A. devise programs on stress management.


A. Think of programs/ activities on no smoking campaign that encourage participation from members.

1. strategies can include conducting lectures about etiology of stress, invite resource speakers who can give advises on stress management getting testimonies from members who are under stress management, coordinate with other HL committees to conduct stress management activities.
2. devise strategies to attract participants to join the Stress Management committees and appreciate the importance of managing stress.

B. Assign as the head of external committee and will:

1. Preparef IEC materials promoting the importance of managing stress,
2. Prepare/send of communication letters to prospective members,
3. Invite HL activity attendees and coordinate the list of who are going to attend to other committees,
4. prepare IEC materials about HL society for the prospect members.

Registration committee


A. promote greater public awareness on the importance of achieving healthy weight.
B. to encourage each participant to achieve and/or maintain desirable Body weight (BMI 18.5 - 24.9 kg/m) and waist circumference of < 35 inches in men, < 31 inches in women (for Filipinos).


A.Think of programs and activities on achieving or maintaining desirable weight that encourages participation and cooperation of members.
B.Obtain and record each participant’s body weight and identification of goal ideal body weight to be achieved during the entire HL program.
C.conceptualize strategies that will attract participants to join their committee and appreciate the importance of having desirable body weight.
D.head registration committee and will;

1. prepare IEC materials on the importance of weight management
2. prepare registration forms and PACORFE of all members.
3. prepare the membership and /application forms,
4. prepare IEC materials for the members,
5. prepare awards and prizes for the winning teams and participant

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